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Registration for Mikva'ot 5783

Mikvah immersion is a traditional way to mark transitions in time & in our bodies. As we prepare for the High Holidays, we are offering community mikva’ot to connect to this sacred time in the Jewish calendar, honor the transitions of this past year and prepare our souls for the Days of Awe.

This year we have two mikva’ot sessions, one for men led by Rabbi Michael Lezak and one for women led by Kitchen-ite Aviva Calmer. You are invited to come to the session that feels most comfortable to you. Questions? Email us at

Men’s Mikvah at Baker Beach
Sunday, 9/18 | 6 AM

Women’s Mikvah at Baker Beach
Saturday, 9/24 | 6 AM

This year we have two mikva'ot sessions, one for men led by Rabbi Michael Lezak and one for women led by Kitchen-ite Aviva Calmer. You are invited to come to the session that feels most comfortable to you. Questions? Email us at 

Note all mikva'ot will be at Baker Beach at 6AM on their spefic dates
Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784