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"Camping" Shabbat Day in the Redwoods

Please log in to your Shulcloud account before completing this form. 
If you do not have a Shulcloud account, email Kayla to set one up and then proceed with filling out the form. Thank you!

We're so glad you'll be joining The Kitchen for a Shabbat Day in the Redwoods at Portola Redwoods State Park on August 6 from 10 AM - 4:30/5:00 PM. 

This registration is per family and includes: Kitchen programs, special snacks, and a whole lotta fun. Lunch will be potluck-style. 

If you have questions, please be in touch with Joel


Child Information 

Parent Information

The Kitchen Playground Camping Trip is open to members and non-members. We would love to talk to you more about being involved at The Kitchen! You can find more information here: and you can be in touch with Joel and Steve

More About Your Family

I give permission for photos and video of my child(ren), taken during the event, to be used for internal use (The Kitchen newsletters/slideshows/etc).
I give permission for photos and video of my child(ren), taken during the event, to be used for editorial or promotional purposes by The Kitchen in any media, including print, online and video. The child's name will not be attached to any photo or video.

Please follow this link and carefully read the Shabbat Day in the Redwoods Waiver
We have carefully read and fully understand all provisions of this release, and freely and knowingly assume the risk and waive our rights concerning liability as described above. 

COVID-19 Vaccination

Payment for Shabbat Day in the Redwoods is $36 / family. 
Please feel free to be in touch with Joel with any financial questions. 

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784