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Freedom City Registration 2024 - 2025
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Please log in to your Shulcloud account
completing this form.
If you do not have a Shulcloud account,
email Kayla
to set one up and then proceed with filling out the form. Thank you!
Welcome to Freedom City 2024 - 2025!
Early Registration (lock in last year's rate): Until June 30
$1200 per participant
Financial aid - $500 deposit per participant
Regular Registration: July 1 and later
$1350 per participant
Financial aid - $500 deposit per participant
More information on tuition payment below in form.
We are looking forward to putting Torah into action with you this year!
Youth Information
How many participants are you enrolling in Freedom City this year?
Please select one
1 Participant
2 Participants
Participant 1's First Name
Participant1's Last Name
Participant 1's Pronouns
Participant 1's Birthdate
What school does Participant 1 attend?
What is Participant 1's grade in Fall 2023?
Please select one
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
Participant 1 Email
Participant 1 Phone Number
We want to make sure we are engaging your child in a way that best aligns with their needs and interests.
Please let us know about any of Participant 1's learning needs, accessibility needs, health needs, or allergies.
Please tell us a little about Participant1's passions, motivations, strengths, and/or anything else you think would be helpful for us to know to create an environment that aligns with Participant 1's interests and learning styles.
Participant 2's First Name
Participant 2's Last Name
Participant 2's Pronouns
Participant 2's Birthdate
What school does Participant 2 attend?
What is Participant 2's grade in Fall 2023?
Please select one
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
Participant 2 Email
Participant 2 Phone Number
We want to make sure we are engaging your child in a way that best aligns with their needs and interests.
Please let us know about any of Participant 2's learning needs, accessibility needs, health needs, or allergies.
Please tell us a little about Participant 2's passions, motivations, strengths, and/or anything else you think would be helpful for us to know to create an environment that aligns with Participant 2's interests and learning styles.
Student 3 First Name
Student 3 Last Name
Student 3 Pronouns
Student 3 Birthdate
What school does Student 3 attend?
What is Student 3's grade in Fall 2022?
Please select one
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
We want to make sure we are teaching your child in a way that best aligns with their needs and interests.
Please let us know about any of Student 3's learning needs, accessibility needs, health needs, or allergies.
Please tell us a little about Student 3's passions, motivations, strengths, and/or anything else you think would be helpful for us to know to create an environment that aligns with Student 3's interests and learning styles.
I authorize the staff to seek emergency medical treatment for my child(ren). Every effort will be made to contact the parent or emergency contact.
I authorize the staff to give my child(ren) first aid if a minor injury occurs
I give permission for photos and video of my child(ren), taken during Freedom City and events, to be used for internal use (The Kitchen newsletters/slideshows/etc).
I give permission for photos and video of my child(ren), taken during Freedom City and events, to be used for editorial or promotional purposes by Freedom City in any media, including print, online and video. The child's name will not be attached to any photo or video.
Parent Information
How many parents are in your family?
Please select one
1 Parent
2 Parents
3+ Parents
Parent 1 First Name
Parent 1 Last Name
Parent 1 Pronouns
Parent 1 Email
Parent 1 Phone
Parent 1 Address Line 1
Parent 1 Address Line 2
Parent 1 City
Parent 1 Zip
Parent 2 First Name
Parent 2 Last Name
Parent 2 Pronouns
Parent 2 Email
Parent 2 Phone
Parent 2 Address Line 1
Parent 2 Address Line 2
Parent 2 City
Parent 2 Zip
Building our Freedom City community is an ongoing process of sacred partnership. Help us grow the bonds of community by choosing one or more of the pathways listed.
Host (some) Freedom City sessions at your home
Carpool with other families
Contribute to Freedom City Outreach
Other idea (enter below)
Parent 3 First Name
Parent 3 Last Name
Parent 3 Pronouns
Kitchen Membership
Is your household a member at The Kitchen?
Please select one
I want to be!
About Health & Safety at The Kitchen
If you have any symptoms of an illness or even just a cold, please stay home. We strongly encourage all attendees to be vaccinated for COVID-19, with a booster if eligible. This helps to keep us all as healthy as possible.
By checking this box, we indicate that we have read and will abide by the above policy
By checking this box, we indicate that we have read and will abide by the above policy
Emergency Contact
Phone Number
Opting into the Freedom City community is a holy relationship and we are committed to ensuring that financial constraints are never a barrier to participation. At the same time, we rely on tuition to sustain the program.
How to pay in installments:
If you would like to pay the full tuition and submit your payment in installments, please select “Bill to my account” on the payment confirmation page. (This is only possible if you have logged into your Shulcloud account.) Then,
you must set up installments
in your account by going to "My Transactions" under "My Account". Please plan to complete all payments by April 1, 2025.
How to request financial aid:
If you would like to request financial aid, we ask that you make a $500 / participant deposit at this time. Our team will follow up soon to finalize tuition arrangements. It is possible to receive financial aid and also pay in installments.
be in touch with Kayla
with any questions about Freedom City or enrollment. Please
be in touch with Spencer
with any financial aid questions.
Early Registration (lock in last year's rate): Until June 30
$1200 per participant
Financial aid - $500 deposit per participant
Regular Registration: July 1 and later
$1350 per participant
Financial aid - $500 deposit per participant
Would you like to pay tuition or receive financial aid?
Please select one
Pay tuition
Receive financial aid
How many participants are you registering?
Please select one
0 Participants
1 Participant
2 Participants
Please tell us a bit about your family's financial situation
Please share how much financial aid (per participant) your family would like to receive
If you would like to submit in installments, please select “Bill to my account” on the next page. Then visit "My Account and go to “My Transactions” to set up your monthly payments. By checking this box, we agree to pay all tuition and/or installments by April 1, 2024.
We ask that you make a $500 per participant deposit at this time and we will be in touch about your financial aid.
Please select one
Deposit for 1 Student
Deposit for 2 Students
Tue, March 18 2025 18 Adar 5785