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Class Registration: 18 Stories of Jewish Thought

Don’t consider these your last 18, just your first.

While we could all argue (and hopefully, we will) about just which stories are the foundation of jewish thought, Rabbi Kushner has whittled her considerable list down to these 18 – as the most evocative, promising gates into jewish thinking.

Don’t worry, she’ll tie these stories to the holidays, lifecycles, commandments, prayers and lots of other things, too.

This class is in person only, with an expectation of regular Shabbat and holiday participation (you can’t just talk about being jewish without showing up to do jewish, right?). Designed for Jewish 101 & experienced learners.

Included in Kitchen membership. Non-members, please consider joining or $360.
Questions? Email us at

Wednesdays, 7 -9 PM, January 18th - May 24th. Location TBD.

Registrant Information

If registering more individuals than yourself, be sure to enter each registrants first & last name, and email address.

If registering more individuals than yourself, be sure to enter each registrants first & last name, and email address.

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784