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Kitchen Kavod Anti-Racism Group

Past Sessions
Monday, June 13, 2022 14 Sivan 5782 - 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM - In-person location TBD
Monday, May 2, 2022 1 Iyyar 5782 - 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM - Zoom
Monday, April 11, 2022 10 Nisan 5782 - 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM - Zoom
Sunday, April 3, 2022 2 Nisan 5782 - 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM - The Firehouse + Zoom

Our group set out to do the difficult and vital work of anti-racism by establishing a community, learning more about race and racism, and listening to Jewish voices, especially Black ones. We will be looking at institutional racism through inviting new facilitators, and exploring shared topics of interest.

This season we will deep dive into embodied and trauma-informed anti-racism and read My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathways to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem, a trauma specialist & anti-racism educator. Each session will be dedicated to a different part of the book (see schedule below).

We recommend buying the book from a BIPOC and/or local bookstore or borrow it from the SF public library which has physical, audio, and e-books available. If you aren’t able to get the book before March 7th, email Avital and she will share a PDF of the focal chapter.

Everyone is welcome to attend any or all of the meetings!

Questions? Email Kitchen Community Organizer, Avital Raff

Spring Schedule—meetings are on Zoom unless otherwise noted below

Monday, March 7 @ 7:30: Part 1: Unarmed and Dismembered (pages 3-129)

  • Focus on Chapter 1 Your Body and Blood (pages 3-27)

Sunday, April 3rd @ noon: Special Film Screening
Register here for this session

  • Afterward film screening with Q&A with filmmaker Ofra Bloch (in person location TBD, also on Zoom).

Monday, April 11 @ 7:30: Part 2: Remembering Ourselves (pages 137-215)

  • Focus on Chapter 11 Your Soul Nerve (pages 137-150)

  • Chapter 12 Settling and Safeguarding Your Body (pages 151-165)

Monday, May 2 @ 7:30: Part 3: Mending Our Collective Body (pages 237-293)

  • Focus on Chapter 18 Body-Centered Activism (pages 237-244)

  • Chapter 19 Creating Culture (pages 245-252)

  • Chapter 21 Whiteness without Supremacy (pages 253-261)

Monday, June 6 @ 7:30: TBA--collective action within embodied anti-racism

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